“Keeping a Positive Attitude” (Garbage in, Garbage Out)
-Darryl Turner
It was 1979 and I was so excited to get my first real car. I am guessing that most people had the opportunity to, at one time or another, have a Ford Pinto. My first car was not a Pinto, but a 1973 Chevy Vega. I am telling you, this was one fine first car.
It didn’t take long for me realize why Chevy stopped producing aluminum block engines. This thing got about 15-20 mpq. That’s right, about every 15-20 miles I had to pull over and put in another quart of oil.
It was at that point that I realized that I needed to upgrade my ride. So… I got a 1973 Ford Pinto… Wagon! (with wood siding and one dent).
Even though, looking back, I enjoyed those days it is not hard to realize that I was driving a real junkie car! In fact, I had two of them in a row.
You see, I am convinced that many people don’t understand that their attitude is a vehicle. The definition of a vehicle is “any means in which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed”.
Don’t fool yourself for a second! Our attitude is a vehicle that will take us somewhere. I am always saddened by where some attitudes (vehicles) are taking many people.
Recently I ran across a negative person (I tend to find them). They had the stinkiest attitude. There was nothing about the way they saw things that would keep them on a good path. Their vehicle was going to take them where they didn’t want to be. In fact, I told them that very thing.
It has been said that over 85% of our success in life and business is derived from our attitude. Since that is true, is it also fair to say that over 85% of our failures in life and business also come from our attitude? A positive or negative attitude are both conscious choices and both take the same commitment!
While taking some flying lessons, I learned that the attitude of an airplane is determined by where the plane nose is heading in comparison to the horizon. So, when flying, if your attitude (nose) is too high you will stall. The plane simply cannot climb any more in that position. The opposite is also true; if the attitude (nose) is too low you are basically headed to the ground.
Have you ever met someone with their nose too high? How about too low?
I am convinced that too many of us are simply not good at guarding our influences in our life. In other words, we listen to things we shouldn’t, watch things that don’t edify us and sometimes hang around those with entirely stinky attitudes.
I challenge you today. Learn to exit negative situations. Learn to confront negative people and learn to simply not watch negative TV such as scare based media etc.
The old term “Garbage-in, garbage-out” doesn’t just apply to computers. It also applies to us. Be bold, keep a positive attitude and don’t let anyone or anything slow you down.
The future looks bright! Can you see it?
Be blessed.
To read more like “Keeping a Positive Attitude”
visit https://www.darrylturner.com or visit http://www.stewartinselligence.com
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